Are you ready to Transform Yourself ?
Do find yourself in a pattern of flux sometimes? Busy and hard pressed for time? Bothered by issues about health, wealth, relationship, attractiveness and identity? We are in a time of rapid changes.
We are more about facilitating the Wholeness in you than about fixing what is wrong. You are just out of alignment; there is nothing wrong with you. We help you transform yourself through raising your awareness, This in turn accelerates your self development. Your thoughts are vibrations. Beliefs are thoughts that hold a momentum just like a computer programme. Through reflective learning, we connect your mind to your heart . There could be your hidden vibrations presenting challenges . Your feelings just are tryng to tell you something. Don't ignore them. Go within yourseff to uncover your sub-conscious beliefs, and values that hold you back from moving forward. Deep seated issues will begin to surface for you to take notice. Many are your ancestral beliefs, or your deep seated cultural or group beliefs of the collective .
How can we help you? Our Services
We now become more aware of the Collective Consciousness ( aka Group Thinking) and its impact upon us. You begin to become a more conscious being, and may start questioning: Hey, where do all these non-sense come from? Are they yours? Did you "pick them" up from somewhere or from someone without consciously knowing about it ? Are they from the TV news? Social media? In other words, they are likely to be the collective thinking of this life, your ancestors, your culture and history. All these are surfacing for your attention eg the collective thinking or belief of "I must suffer to succeed in life"
Do you know that you can re-calibrate both yourself and unplug from the Collective Consciouness at the same time. Transform yourself . We are happy to offer sessions to accelerate your transformational process. Its up to you .
QUESTION: How do we heal illness +"disease" that we know we are ready to let go of?
How to Raise Your Vibration ANSWER: TRUE healing can be a long and very painful process because we have to address and heal the things within us that created, attracted or manifested the dis-ease in the first place. I highly recommend Barbara Brennen's book called "Light Emerging, A Journey Through Personal Healing" and Louise Hays book "You Can Heal Your Life." I also highly suggest people locate a Master Teacher DNA Theta Healer. They work with your team of guides and the Creator of All That Is to remove the subconscious programs (emotions, beliefs, feelings and trauma held over a very long period of time) that create the energetic blocks and distortions in the energy field that manifest as illness and dis-ease in the physical body. All illness and discord starts in the energy field FIRST and then makes it's way to the physical body and announces itself as pain and illness. A Theta Healer will greatly accelerate our healing journey, BUT we also must be very active participants in the healing process because truth be told ~ no one can heal us but ourselves ~ however, healers will help us access the parts of ourselves that we may be attached to, and even unaware of, that we don't want to let go of. To truly heal, I believe we need a 3 part agreement: SELF (most important aspect), the healer and SPIRIT. We also need to work on all levels of our being (not just physical) ~ Emotional, Mental, Physical and Spiritual. ~ Sabrina
Basic DNA1 & 2
Basic Thetahealing DNA1 & 2
Basic Thetahealing DNA1 & 2
You and the Creator
Advanced DNA2
World Relations
Dig Deeper
Sacred Activations Seminar
Game of Life
Manifesting & Abundance. 8 &9 Jun 2019
Research on DNA
Researchers say there's evidence that consciousness continues after clinical death
DNA scientist win in Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2015
Slow down aging with the ThetaHealing® technique
Items: 1 - 3 of 3
The Great Cosmic Shift
How the Universe Works
What Is Alignment?
We Are Awakening
What Is Happening Around Us?
When I meditate I feel good instantly but ...
The Very Nature Of Life Is Pure Energy.
What thoughts do I practice that bring me joy ?
3 Very Important Concepts That Create Our Current Life Experiences
Theta Miraculous SINGAPORELet's keep in touch:
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mobile : +65 97527175
ThetaHealing® Mission: To change one person at a time and show everyone their true connection to Source energy. We aim to bring forward the best in all people.
Our Vision : To em-power you to transform and discover the magnificent being that you are. Become one who can create the reality you desire.
How You See Yourself, Is Everything