14/08/2011 16:36


Evlyn is an intuitive healer who focuses on awareness & flexibility.

She accesses the following in her sessions :

          ThetaHealing®  www.thetahealing.com/

    - Advanced DNA 2 Certified Instructor

    - Basic DNA 1 & 2 Certified Instructor

    - Intuitive Anatomy

    - DNA 3

    - Manifesting & Abundance

    - Rainbow Children

    - Soulmate

Evlyn combines ThetaHealing with Young Living™ essential oils and crystals where appropriate.  Essential oils have been used for centuries in many cultures. The healing properties in plants can heal on a physical level to support the immune system, lend emotional and spiritual support and more. 


New Shamballa® www.newshamballa.com/

Angelic Reiki® www.angelicreikimagic.com/

Green Energy Exchange :  $120 per session . Around 1-1.5 hours.

Please feel free to drop us a line at Feedback  or at thetamiraculous@gmail.com

If there is something you wish to discuss, you can call Evlyn at 9752 7175.




Theta Miraculous SINGAPORE

Let's keep in touch:

1) We share at Facebook page 'Theta Healing - Singapore' and "ThetaMiraculous Activations".
2) Be on our mailing list to keep abreast of courses
3) Email via Contact Us
4) WhatsApp or sms Evlyn. Its a useful alternative when emails don't get through either way due to a technical glitch.

mobile : +65 97527175

ThetaHealing® Mission:  To change one person at a time and show everyone their true connection to Source energy. We aim to bring forward the best in all people.

Our Vision :  To em-power you to transform and discover the magnificent being that you are. Become one who can create the reality you desire.


How You See Yourself, Is Everything