What is ThetaHealing® session like?

A session lasts one hour , and the facilitator will ask you to identify an area you'd like to address. This can be done pre-session over the phone so as to make efficient use of the one hour session.  Drink sufficient water before the session .  Just come relaxed and with an intention of  wanting to make positive changes to yourself . Believe in yourself and allow the Universe to help you .


Top treatment: Theta healing

THIS treatment is the perfect way to spring clean your mind and free yourself from everyday stresses and strains.

By: Jo Willey

Theta-healer-Liz-Alexander-addresses-stressTheta healer Liz Alexander addresses stress


Theta healing is a relatively new treatment which claims to be a fast, effective way to permanently de-clutter your mind.

A one-to-one session with a qualified practitioner is designed to help you to regain control if your life by releasing any negative beliefs that are holding you back from achieving what you want whether in work, health, or even love.


Before the treatment begins my practitioner Liz Alexander talked me through what to expect.

In a calm and supportive environment, Liz made me feel very at ease as she explained how she would be connecting with my “Theta state” a deeply relaxed level of my subconscious. Here she would be able to access any negative beliefs buried in my mind.

I wanted to address issues about self-confidence, well-being and to lower my stress levels.She would then be able to access the root cause of these beliefs and help release them before “reprogramming” me with more positive and realistic thoughts and feelings.

Simply sitting opposite each other, my practitioner gently took my hands for emotional support through the session before presenting me with a series of negative statements such as “I allow others to control me” to which I was “muscle tested” by giving a yes or no answer.

The muscle testing technique, also known as kinesiology, involved me holding my forefinger and thumb together and Liz tried to pull them apart with each negative statement I made about myself to see whether these were core beliefs or not.

If they were then she “cleared” them from my subconscious before testing again to ensure they had gone.

The test also meant she could pick up on deep held emotions and beliefs in my subconscious from the answers I gave.

Simply sitting opposite each other, my practitioner gently took my hands for emotional support through the session before presenting me with a series of negative statements such as “I allow others to control me” to which I was “muscle tested” by giving a


A one-hour treatment session costs £75.


I was initially sceptical about Theta healing thinking it was a bit “New Age” for me.

But afterwards, I was surprised at the wide range of subjects she picked up on from my subconscious that bothered me.

It was also reassuring to feel I was ridding myself of lots of negative thoughts and energy which may be holding me back from being my best.

Knowing that some of my behaviour and negative feelings come from deep-rooted causes was incredibly liberating and the act of cleansing them felt very empowering.

Following the session I felt relaxed and as if a huge weight had been lifted. I was eager to see how it would change me over the coming days and weeks.

This treatment is ideal for anyone who feels they may want to make some changes in life, no matter how big or small, giving your mind a quick overhaul for long-lasting results.



Theta Miraculous SINGAPORE

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ThetaHealing® Mission:  To change one person at a time and show everyone their true connection to Source energy. We aim to bring forward the best in all people.

Our Vision :  To em-power you to transform and discover the magnificent being that you are. Become one who can create the reality you desire.


How You See Yourself, Is Everything