Master Set Activations ( suggested) 

pre-requisite : Foundation Set

( Recommended sets below. 
You can choose your own combination to make your set of 3 Activations + Collective  Consciouness 


Choose only 3
or as suggested by Creator
Activations Reaching out to our galactic brothers & sisters
# Star Seed Activation
This is a major Activation . The Star-Seed activation increases your energy to a level where you can talk to our brother’s and sister’s from other worlds, where you can hear them, see them, and know them as love and light, coming here to help us transform our world. It removes your fears so you can communicate with them and know that you are safe. You will be able to understand them and their message to you. You will be able to act on their advice and, of course, you will also have the discernment that this is real and good advice before acting on it.
#15 Planetary Alignment
Are you affected by the full moon? by the Mecury Retrograde? solar flares?
This Activation aligns you , helping you to shift with the planet with ease and grace.
#27 Galatic Federation

This activation brings you into alignment with our Glatic Family . It aligns you in such a way that you're able to co-create with the Galactic Federation  and be an active participant in Gaia's changes dueig this historical time.
#28 Crop Circle
The Crop Circle activation aligns you to receive the knowledge of the crop circles. It gives you the understanding of what the messages are for us, as a whole, raising your energy to the level of being able to receive, understand, and vibrate with these messages to the world.
#44 Alchemy of the 4th Dimension
Pre-requisite : first 12 Activations otherwise you may not benefit from it.

This activation collapses the veil between our world and the 4th dimension , allowing you to see, hear, feel and talk to ancestors.
#45 Alchemy of the 5th Dimension
Pre-requisite : first 12 Activations otherwise you may not benefit from it.

Pre-requisite : first 12 Activations otherwise you may not benefit from it.

This activation frees you of any fears of operating in tghe 5th D , as the world moves into this energy. There is a lot of power in the 5th D for manifesting and changing. There are many illusions given to us in the 3rd D. 
#46 Star Gate

Pre requisite : first 25 activations, Alchemy of  3D , 4D & 5D  to truly benefit from it.

Another Major Activation : this allows you to move through worlds solar systems and universes very quickly and easily. There is much power and freedom that comes with this activation. After receiving this activation, you are brought through a portal and taken into the 7th to 12th dimensions.
  The God Codes
The God Codes activation allows you to see the world through the Creators eyes, thus enabling you to see through the 3D world and know love for all sentient beings. Once I received this activation I knew that every event happening on this planet is for the good of all and for our ultimate growth.
I was able to see that the government is playing their role, which we call evil and oppressive, to wake us up to our power.
I also understood that we have allowed this to happen when we wake up and know this is all an illusion for our learning, than it will just disappear and those in change will be replaced, by those that are ready to step in the role of helping humanity unit as one.
When I am doing this activation I see a bright light illuminate through the body in love, just like the photo on the left of this.
Choose only 3 Activations Again and again?
#29 Karmic Loop

it has been said that things will keep coming around until it’s completed or done the “right” way. The karmic loop deactivation disconnects you from the literal “loop” of events and patterns that often occur when one needs to shift, but feels “stuck” and lacks clarity.

If you are feeling “stuck” or repeatedly dealing with the same scenarios, this deactivation will bring it up and present it for clearing. It will enable you to see what you have been avoiding and clear it.


#40 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)  
#70 Self Sabotage Deactivation Channelled by Anne Whitehouse.

Do you find that as things begin to go well in a particular aspect of your life, it all falls apart?  do you get the feeling that something is undermining you and sabotaging you, preventing you form reaching your goals.  This activation disconnects you from it.
#32 Caste System Family
This activation, releases you from genetic cultural, religious beliefs. About being too good or not good enough. Really lines you up to be a citizen of the universe of this earth. Without judging yourself or others. From what nationality they are what nationality you are if they grow up with money or did not grow up with money. Allows you to be in line with your peers, feeling good about yourself, no matter how you grew up.
#33 Yin & Yang

The Yin and Yang Activation balances and aligns your male and female energies.  I have seen many women, tapped mostly into their male energy, trying to make a living and be “the man of the house.”Some of these women took over because their husbands were tapped into much more female energy. This allows us to play balanced roles of male and female in this lifetime without having to over compensate either energy. For the man, this also allows him to be in balance, and open to receive without having to conquer.
  # 57 War Disconnection  
  #35 Polar Opposites ( indiv )  
  Illumination  Illumimation  activation allows you to remember all of your past lives and enables you to see your future lives. You’ll have an understanding of who you truly are as a “beam of light”. It will give you all the memories of your life times, which you will be able to take with you when you leave this reality and go to the next place or next body in your journey.
Energy Exchange    
Choose only 3 Activations Feeling Stuck?
#34 Mary Magdelene (from Sinner? to Saint)

Sinner to Saint, this activation, clears you from guilt judgment and self punishment for things you felt that you’ve done wrong in this lifetime and other lifetimes. Allowing you to be lined up with the love for yourself. We are all here learning and growing and changing this allows you to do this without beating yourself up for the mistakes you made in the past.
#36 Debtor's Prison

This activation releases you from the collective consciousness of being in debt and the religious consciousness of being in debt. It releases any trauma or belief systems of imprisonment for your debt or your family’s debt. A lot of people feel indebted to society, to the government, to work, to family and society as a whole. This activation releases you from all of it.

The Sacred Blue Print Activation will help you with your purpose in life give you the courage and knowledge on how to follow it without delay or fear. It will give you the knowing of what you are to do here on Earth.

# 24 The Addictions Redirection See Advanced set
# 33 Yin & Yang see above
#70 Self sabotage Deactivation Channelled by Anne Whitehouse.

Do you find that as things begin to go well in a particular aspect of your life, it all falls apart?  do you get the feeling that something is undermining you and sabotaging you, preventing you form reaching your goals.  This activation disconnects you from it.
# 66 Authority Power Disconnection This Activation disconnects you from the belief of others having authority and power over you. It neables you to deal with, and stand up tp all people, institutions and organisations on the same level, releasing the need to look up to them, free of fear. It disconnects you from the Collective Consciouness around authority and connects you with your own authentic power.

Goes with Disciples' Return.
# 41 Disciples' Return This activation, releases you from the fear of being crucified, for speaking your truth for being in line with God. Many of the disciples were murdered, and many of the great speakers that we have had on in this world have been murdered. This allows you to be in line work for God free of the fear of being killed for doing it.
# 40  Post Traumatic Stress Disorder


Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Release Activation clears the emotional illness and anxiety disorder which usually develops as a result of extreme fright or a life-threatening event.  There are many people that are stuck in the emotions from traumas that happened to them in their lives (or even a past life).

And this includes those traumas from those memories that you might not even be aware of that are still running in the back of your mind, controlling you and keeping you in constant fear.  I believe this activation is for most people (as I do not know anybody that has had zero traumas in their lifetime. This activation will allow you to release all those traumas, from group and religious consciousness, and even the culture at large.

#67 Weight of The World ( Channelled by Cindie Amber)

This clears beliefs that we are responsible for everyone and everything. It clears the oblogations that we have to heal everyone or save the whole world.
  Unplug from the Collective Consciouness  

Energy Exchange
$125 per set of 3 activations only

Choose only 3 Activations  Hey Good Looking !
# 39 Newton's Law Dis-connection


Newton’s law teaches us that we are form, with the deactivation you will be released from the group conciseness that we are form and know we are spirit living in a body that is ageless and free of disease. We are just light and can do anything.
# 38 Age Reversal

This activations removes the aging gene and replaces it with the youth gene. You will be released from your aging genetic beliefs and the group conciseness of what is aging. And it will be replaced with you are light and spirit of being ageless.
# 50   Weight Regulation

This activation turns off a switch, keeping you from emotionally eating, and allowing you to eat to nourish your body. Releasing you from belief systems that keep weight on you or keep you to thin. I have found some people do not eat until the point of starvation, where they do not nourish their body you only eat to survive. And I have found other people that emotionally eat. This clears this up for both types of people. Clearing out traumas from past lives where they starved to death.
#65 Body Image This goes well with weight regulation activatipn . It releases the negative beliefs , hatred and resentment we are holding aroung our body image. This activation clears the beliefs that tells us what an attractive money is meant to be like. It connects you to the highest truth that you are beautiful, you are in the right body, and it releases the judgement around your appearance, enabling you to stand confidently in your power.
@ Unplug from the Collective Consciouness  
^ Crystal & Rock Activation  
Energy Exchange - $125 per set of 3 only

Choose only 3 Activations  Be Healthy  set  (group wef Oct 2014) 
# 37 Organ Regeneration

Organ regeneration ( Individual level. Group wef Oct 2014).

This activation, allows you to focus on different areas of your body, not only the organs but also the muscles the skin and blood. It clears out the emotions in that area and the trauma and that area so that your organ can rejuvenate. So that you can be whole and healthy.

# 56 Free Your Genetics

This activation clears the genetic patterns that don’t serve you.  The “heart attack”  “cancer” and other genes that attract certain diseases are cleared and replaced with better genes. It will also clear the fear that attracts these energies and conditions. This activation also clears the collective consciousness around these diseases.

#19 Rejuvenation code (Moses code)

The Moses Code Activation ignites your Tree of Life, rejuvenates your cell, and increases your energy and mental clarity. This activation makes it easier to focus on and manifest your dreams.  Since downloading this activation, I personally look more youthful and there is a sparkle in my eyes. I have stopped taking supplements for energy because I no longer need them.

^ 3 Crystals & 1 Rock If you wish to activate your children or pets, simply place the crystals by their bedside while , and they will be automatically activated as well, if they choose to. Children and pets are much easier to activate as they're open. Ask for permission if they're 7 years old and above. 

  Unplug from the Collective Consciouness  
Energy Exchange - $125 per set of 3 only

choose only 3 Activations What a headache!   ( Group wef Oct 2014)
# 35 Polar Opposites


This activation is amazing . Sometimes, the old negative pathways entrenced within our brains. by focusing on the negative issue we wish to shift, and doing Polar Opposites activation, therse negative pathways are dis-created, wiped out. it cleasr s residual energies of those old patterns allow new pathways of unconditional love to be created.

I saw the energy spinning backwards as it erased old patterns allowing new pathways of unconditional love.


# 51 Brain in Balance

This activation balances both the left and right brain, helping you to become more artistic and grounded at the same time and be organized. If you are really organized and want to be more artistic or are really artistic and want to be more organized, this activation will help you.


# 55 Hormones in Balance

This activation balances all of the hormones in the body for men and women. It is for everyone. If you are a man and you feel your testosterone is a little low, it will balance it out.  If you are a woman and you feel your estrogen is imbalanced, it will balance that out, too.  It balances all of the hormones in the body.

#34 (Getting into ) The Vortex of Creation Abundance
This is to lay new lines after Polar Opposites.
@ Unplug from the Collective Consciouness  
^ 3 Crystasl & 1 Rock Activation
If you wish to activate your children or pets, simply place the crystals by their bedside while , and they will be automatically activated as well, if they choose to. Children and pets are much easier to activate as they're open. Ask for permission if they're 7 years old and above.
Energy Exchange -  

Choose only 3 Activations Nurturing your Mind
# 40 Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome De-activation

PTSD Release Activation clears the emotional illness and anxiety disorder which usually develops as a result of extreme fright or a life-threatening event.  There are many people that are stuck in the emotions from traumas that happened to them in their lives (or even a past life).

And this includes those traumas from those memories that you might not even be aware of that are still running in the back of your mind, controlling you and keeping you in constant fear.  I believe this activation is for most people (as I do not know anybody that has had zero traumas in their lifetime. This activation will allow you to release all those traumas, from group and religious consciousness, and even the culture at large.

#51 Brain In Balance
#52 Dyslexia
This activation is for dyslexia and other learning disabilities or issues that make you feeling “stupid” or inadequate. You don’t have to have dyslexia to benefit from this activation. It clears all of the attachments that come with being dyslexic and prevents being organized. It also helps with writing and spelling. When I was younger, I felt stupid because I could not read or write. I had to go to a special reading class and was embarrassed to stand up and read in class. There are so many people dealing with these and similar issues. Whatever that “thing” is for you, this clears it out and allows you feel better and improve those things.

#53 Hormones in Balance
This balalnces all the hormones in the body for both men & women. If you are a man and you feel that your testoterone is a little low, it will balance it out. if you're a woman and you feel that your estrogen is imbalanced, it will balance that out too.  Not only these, but all your body's hormones (its endocrine system) will come into balance. When your hormones are balanced, you just feel better.
# 33 The Yin and Yang Activation
The Yin and Yang Activation balances and aligns your male and female energies.  I have seen many women, tapped mostly into their male energy, trying to make a living and be “the man of the house.”Some of these women took over because their husbands were tapped into much more female energy. This allows us to play balanced roles of male and female in this lifetime without having to over compensate either energy. For the man, this also allows him to be in balance, and open to receive without having to conquer.
# 56 Free your Genetics
This activation clears the genetic patterns that don’t serve you.  The “heart attack”  “cancer” and other genes that attract certain diseases are cleared and replaced with better genes. It will also clear the fear that attracts these energies and conditions. This activation also clears the collective consciousness around these diseases.
#12 Life Grid Activation  
# 18 Cultural Wound Rel4ease  
@ Unplug from the Collective Consciouness  
^ Crystal & Rock Activation  
Energy Exchange -  


Indiv work Activations A New You
# 35 Polar Opposites
( individual activation only)



This activation just came to me the other day, while working on a client.

I was watching all this energy spin around her head in her brain. And I saw the spinning was backwards. I asked creator what this was? And creator answered, I was told, what was happening, is that neural pathways, of this negative energy flow in her brain, was being disc created. Like it was never there. The energy was traveling backwards and completely erasing this Nero pathway.

My understanding from creator, is this allows new pathways of unconditional love, to replace the negative pathways.
I can’t wait to see what happens with this activation, I am so excited it seems so powerful. Where we are we can erase, negative pathways completely, and build new pathways of positive emotions.

#48 Release from Spiritual Ego

This activation allows your ego to get out of the way and allows you to do the work knowing that spirit is in charge allowing you to be the witness to help your clients.

"I have found that many healers, it much into their ego with some of the miracles that they witness. Or they feel not good enough if they’re working with somebody that does not heal or dies crushes their ego. Free of feeling you’re too good to help people, freeing you the feeling that you’re not good enough to help people."

#52 Dyslexia

This activation is for dyslexia and other learning disabilities or issues that make you feeling “stupid” or inadequate. You don’t have to have dyslexia to benefit from this activation. It clears all of the attachments that come with being dyslexic and prevents being organized. It also helps with writing and spelling. When I was younger, I felt stupid because I could not read or write. I had to go to a special reading class and was embarrassed to stand up and read in class. There are so many people dealing with these and similar issues. Whatever that “thing” is for you, this clears it out and allows you feel better and improve those things.
#42 Gaia
This activation  is a step up from the Mother Earth Activation and connects you with the higher elements of fire, water, earth and air. This activation is for people  who are working on world peace and cleaning up the environment.
# 68  My Other Me Channelled by La Toya Cole

this relates to feelings of separation.  This can be from past lifives, or relationships in which the feeling of separation exists . It eliminate obligations to hold on to the pain and emotionsof our parents and other families, and clear feelings of not being whole. We can then connect to others as our true authentic selves.
@ Unplug from the Collective Consciouness  
^ 3 Crystal &
1 Rock Activation
If you wish to activate your children or pets, simply place the crystals by their bedside while , and they will be automatically activated as well, if they choose to. Children and pets are much easier to activate as they're open. Ask for permission if they're 7 years old and above. 
Energy Exchange -
choose 3 Activations Soul mate set ( 2 sets of 3 activations each)
# 25 Are You a Martyr?
# 40 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
# 5 Christ Consciouness Awareness
#26 Mother Mary ( non judgemental love) Awareness of other's inability to love and a clear understanding of who they are at all levels. A acheive a state of love for others without judgement.
# 16 Sacred Sexuality
The Sacred Sexuality Activation releases you from fears of being close and intimate with a mate. It opens your heart and allows you achieve intimacy in this connection.
#31 Soul mate

The Soul Mate Activation clears lifetime—beliefs, judgments, trauma and betrayal with your soul mates. It opens you to receive the right soul mate free of fear of the future with him or her.  It also clears the collective consciousness, religious beliefs and genetic beliefs about relationships with a soul mate. We have many soul mates, and this will allow you to align with the most supportive and nurturing one in this lifetime.
#54 Fight or Flight
Fight or Flight :  these beliefs are very ingrained in our DNA and the collective consciousness. As for centuries man has fought for land and resources, if they did not feel strong enough they ran. This deactivation releases you form all of those beliefs that are ingrained in you. So you can look at any problem without any of these attachments and make the best decision for you.
@ Unplug from the Collective Consciouness
^ 3 Crystals &
1 Rock Activation
If you wish to activate your children or pets, simply place the crystals by their bedside while , and they will be automatically activated as well, if they choose to. Children and pets are much easier to activate as they're open. Ask for permission if they're 7 years old and above. 
Energy Exchange -  
Master Set  8 Activations Money & Prosperity ( 2 sets)
#25 Are you a Martyr?
As in the Advanced set .
Do you live your life for others?
# 55 Caste System : Money $ This activation releases you from genetic cultural, religious beliefs of being too good or not good enough. It aligns you to be a citizen of the universe without judging yourself or others.  It allows you to align with your peers and feel good about yourself, no matter how you grew up

#30 Playing It Small
#56 Fight or Flight?
Many of us live in this perpetual state. this puts our body into high alert , and undermines our long term health and well-being. This reaction serves our distant ancestors in their struggle for survival. However this also means living in a perpetual state of fear. This activation will clear the ancestral and Collective Consciouness beliefs around fight or flight response.
#36 Debtor's Prison

This activation releases you from the collective consciousness of being in debt and the religious consciousness of being in debt. It releases any trauma or belief systems of imprisonment for your debt or your family’s debt. A lot of people feel indebted to society, to the government, to work, to family and society as a whole. This activation releases you from all of it.

The Sacred Blue Print Activation will help you with your purpose in life give you the courage and knowledge on how to follow it without delay or fear. It will give you the knowing of what you are to do here on Earth.

#35 Polar Opposite
(INDIVIDUAL ; group from Oct 2014)
This is amazing. sometimes, the old negative thougths are entrenched within our brains. By doing Polar Opposite activation these negative pathways are discreated.    
#34 Getting into the Vortex

(INDIVIDUAL activation)
(pre-requisite : Polar Opposites)
The vortex of creation, creating abundance in your life. Abundance is an energy that we can plug into. This activation is to be used over and over again, getting used to this energy of creation. Of allowing abundance to flow. During this activation we also plug into the collective consciousness of abundance. If this is an energy you’re not used to, it is important to do it over and over again. So that we can place neuron lines of this positive energy in your brain. Allowing this energy to be natural to you. And when it is you will find you’re abundant in many ways of your life and abundance will continue to flow into your life.
@ Unplug from the Collective Consciouness  
^ 3 Crystals &  1 Rock If you wish to activate your children or pets, simply place the crystals by their bedside while , and they will be automatically activated as well, if they choose to. Children and pets are much easier to activate as they're open. Ask for permission if they're 7 years old and above. 
Energy exchange -  
Choose 3 only Activations Speak your Truth safely and lovingly
# 41 Disciples' Return
This activation, releases you from the fear of being crucified, for speaking your truth for being in line with God. Many of the disciples were murdered, and many of the great speakers that we have had on in this world have been murdered. This allows you to be in line work for God free of the fear of being killed for doing it.
# 40 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Release


PTSD Activation clears the emotional illness and anxiety disorder which usually develops as a result of extreme fright or a life-threatening event.  There are many people that are stuck in the emotions from traumas that happened to them in their lives (or even a past life).

And this includes those traumas from those memories that you might not even be aware of that are still running in the back of your mind, controlling you and keeping you in constant fear.  I believe this activation is for most people (as I do not know anybody that has had zero traumas in their lifetime. This activation will allow you to release all those traumas, from group and religious consciousness, and even the culture at large.

#54 Fight or Flight
Fight or Fly, these beliefs are very ingrained in our DNA and the collective consciousness. As for centuries man has fought for land and resources, if they did not feel strong enough they ran. This deactivation releases you form all of those beliefs that are ingrained in you. So you can look at any problem without any of these attachments and make the best decision for you.
@ Unplug from the Collective Consciouness  
^ 3 Crystals & 
1 Rock
If you wish to activate your children or pets, simply place the crystals by their bedside while , and they will be automatically activated as well, if they choose to. Children and pets are much easier to activate as they're open. Ask for permission if they're 7 years old and above.
Energy Exchange -  

choose only 3
Activations Loving Yourself
# 63 Sacred Heart
This will deactivate you from all of the pain, fears and traumas that were mirrored from the universe and the collective consciousness. It is interesting how we learnt to subconsciously plug ourselves into memory of the pain body, This activation unplugs you from that programme and heals your heart and body as a whole by connecting you to your heart, your own truth and your body.
# 14 Mother Mary
(non-judgemental love)


This activation brings provides awareness of others’ inability to love and a clear understanding of who they are on all levels. When you are brought into the awareness of a mother’s love and clear beliefs that block your ability to love others in the world, you achieve a state of love for everyone without judgment.

#49 Universal Life Grid

This activation, is really amazing. It is a step up from the life grid activation. What I mean by this, is Creator was showing me. That when you receive this activation. The life grid goes around all the vessels, that you inhabit as a soul on and off this planet.
Creator explained to me, that healers and people that are supposed to bring a lot of light to this world at this time. sometimes are being attacked, and drained.
By off planet beans that are trying to stop this evolution from happen.
When we receive, this activation. It protects all the vessels were in so they cannot go through another one of us and attack us.

I felt a huge shift in my energy after receiving this activation. As for a couple weeks I was under attack I was able to  clear it fast but I was wondering why this was still happening to me. Creator explained to me there was an activation for this and when I saw it happening I saw the life grid go around many vessels that I was inhabiting.


  Angel Power
@ Unplug from the Collective Consciouness  
^ 3 Crystals & 
1 Rock 
If you wish to activate your children or pets, simply place the crystals by their bedside while , and they will be automatically activated as well, if they choose to. Children and pets are much easier to activate as they're open. Ask for permission if they're 7 years old and above.
Energy Exchange -  

Master  Set 11 Activations Healer's set    
# 47 The Healer's Power

This activation releases you from the old limitations of those thousand commitments and contracts and blessings. I find that many healers do not feel that they can go beyond their teachers or that they’re committed to one modality. This activation releases you from all of that, allowing you to be a powerful healer, knowing that God is in charge. Allowing you to go out and create be healer that you are.
# 48 Release from Spiritual Ego

This activation allows your ego to get out of the way and allows you to do the work knowing that spirit is in charge allowing you to be the witness to help your clients.

I have found that many healers, it much into their ego with some of the miracles that they witness. Or they feel not good enough if they’re working with somebody that does not heal or dies crushes their ego. Free of feeling you’re too good to help people, freeing you the feeling that you’re not good enough to help people.

Creator is in charge.

#58 False Prophet Deactivation  
#41 Disciples' Return Releases fear of being crucified for speaking the truth, for being aligned with God. Many great speakers/ leaders we have on this world have been murdered.
Goes with Playing It Small and Release from Spriritual Ego.
# 30 Playing it Small see above
# 49 Universal Life Grid

This activation, is really amazing. It is a step up from the life grid activation. What I mean by this, is Creator was showing me. That when you receive this activation. The life grid goes around all the vessels, that you inhabit as a soul on and off this planet.
Creator explained to me, that healers and people who are supposed to bring a lot of light to this world at this time, are sometimes being attacked, and drained.
By off planet beings that are trying to stop this evolution from happening.
When we receive this activation,  it protects all the vessels were in so they cannot go through another one of us and attack us.

I felt a huge shift in my energy after receiving this activation. As for a couple weeks I was under attack I was able to  clear it fast but I was wondering why this was still happening to me. Creator explained to me there was an activation for this and when I saw it happening I saw the life grid go around many vessels that I was inhabiting.


#67 Weight of the World ( Channelled by Cindie Amber)

This clears beliefs that we are responsible for everyone and everything. It clears the oblogations that we have to heal everyone or save the whole world.
#69 Initiation Deactivation Channelled by Anne Whitehouse
#58 - -
#61 - -
@ Unplug from the Collective Consciouness  
^ 3 Crystal & 1 Rock Activation If you wish to activate your children or pets, simply place the crystals by their bedside while , and they will be automatically activated as well, if they choose to. Children and pets are much easier to activate as they're open. Ask for permission if they're 7 years old and above. 
Energy Exchange -

Choose 3 only Activations Alchemy of 3 & 4 D
# 42 Gaia
This activation  is a step up from the Mother Earth Activation and connects you with the higher elements of fire, water, earth and air. This activation is for people  who are working on world peace and cleaning up the environment.
# 43 Alchemy of the 3rd Dimension
(pre-requisite:first 12 activations)
This activation, allows you to release all the third dimensional belief systems in the control from the third dimension. This activation should only be done after you’ve done the first 12 activations. As if you do this one before any of the other ones it can be too much for you and knock you out for a week. Or you will not feel or benefit from it. This activation plugs you into the Christ consciousness of the 5th dimension.
# 44 Alchemy of the 4th Dimension
(pre-requisite:first 12 activations)

This activation, allows you to release all the third dimensional belief systems in the control from the third dimension. This activation should only be done after you’ve done the first 12 activations. As if you do this one before any of the other ones it can be too much for you and knock you out for a week. Or you will not feel or benefit from it. This activation plugs you into the Christ consciousness of the 5th dimension.

@ Unplug from the Collective Consciouness  
^ 3 Crystals & 
1 Rock
If you wish to activate your children or pets, simply place the crystals by their bedside while , and they will be automatically activated as well, if they choose to. Children and pets are much easier to activate as they're open. Ask for permission if they're 7 years old and above. 
Energy Exchange -  

Master Set 14 Activations Off to Stargate
# 45 Alchemy of  the 5th Dimension (pre-requiste: first 12 activations, Alchemy of 3rd, 4th D) ) This activation frees you of any fears of operating in the fifth dimension, as you know this is where we are moving as world. There is much power in the fifth dimension for manifesting and changing. There is many illusions given to us in the third dimension. Please make sure you do alchemy of the third and fourth dimension before doing this activation. As it will prepare you to build and really create the life you wish to live in. There is many dimensions that we operate in, this will allow you which one to really focus on and live in. This activation should only be done after you’ve done the first 12 activations. As if you do this one before any of the other ones it can be too much for you and knock.
#26 Star Seed Activation see above
# 46 Star Gate
(pre-requisite: first 24 activations)
This activation allows you to move through world’s solar systems and universes very quickly and easily. There is much power and freedom that comes with this activation. This activation should only be done after the first 24 activations and alchemy of the third fourth and fifth dimension. As all of these prior activations line you up where you are much better in being in unconditional love and in your power so that you can actually benefit from this activation. With this, after receiving the activation, Tamra brings you through a portal and takes you into the other dimensions 7 – 12
@ Unplug from the Collective Consciouness  
^ 3 Crystals & 
1 Rock
If you wish to activate your children or pets, simply place the crystals by their bedside while , and they will be automatically activated as well, if they choose to. Children and pets are much easier to activate as they're open. Ask for permission if they're 7 years old and above. 
Energy Exchange - $125 per set of 3 activations only
Indiv activation only Activations The great  I AM ( for indiv only)
# 30 Playing It Small ( no more)

Do you find yourslef playing it small so that others can feel comfortable around you?
Are you afraid of your own power?  Do you hide? Do you work in jobs that do not use your full potnetial? Do you no ttell people how you really feel? Do you feel happier being invisible? Are you ready to be in your power?  Are you ready to be truly who you are?  Are you ready to show your full power of who truly you are?
# 64 Vortex Creation Abundance (Manifesting)
The vortex of creation, creating abundance in your life. Abundance is an energy that we can plug into. This activation is to be used over and over again, getting used to this energy of creation. Of allowing abundance to flow. During this activation we also plug into the collective consciousness of abundance. If this is an energy you’re not used to, it is important to do it over and over again. So that we can place neuron lines of this positive energy in your brain. Allowing this energy to be natural to you. And when it is you will find you’re abundant in many ways of your life and abundance will continue to flow into your life.

# 62
The Central Sun Activation

pre-requisite:first 24 activations, Alchemy of 3rd, 4th & 5th D.

This is The Great I AM activation. It lines you up with the I AM knowing and connection on such a high level than before. Know who you truly are in your power that your are in the Universe: The Great I AM.
#63 Sacred Heart Activation Pre-requisite: Christ consciouness, Mother Mary.

It brings up your limiring beliefs about other people and cultures. It brings up your stuff blocking loving yourself . It enables you truly loving yourself.
  Unplug from the Collective Consciouness  
^ 3 crystals & 1  rock  
Energy Exchange    



Psychic & Healer Abilities

Pre-requisite : Basic # 1-12

Star Gate pre-requisite  : # 1 - 24 ,  Alchemy of  3D, 4D & 5D

Level Number Activations  from the Acturians
Master # 13 Planetary Alignment
  # 26  Star Seed
  # 27 Galactic Federation
  # 28 Crop Circle
  # 42 Gaia  
  # 44 Alchemy of the 4th dimension
  # 45 Alchemy of the 5th  dimension
  #47  Healers' Powers ( to unlock Healers' Block )
  #48 Release from Spiritual Ego
  # 49 Universal Life Grid
  # 46 * Star Gate ( pre-requiste: first 24 activations , 3D, 4D , 5D)



Theta Miraculous SINGAPORE

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mobile : +65 97527175

ThetaHealing® Mission:  To change one person at a time and show everyone their true connection to Source energy. We aim to bring forward the best in all people.

Our Vision :  To em-power you to transform and discover the magnificent being that you are. Become one who can create the reality you desire.


How You See Yourself, Is Everything